Application and payment may be made online or via mail. Please do not mix methods, it will slow down your application or renewal. If applying or renewing online - pay online. If applying or renewing by mail - pay by mail.
Allow about a week for renewals to be processed. Allow about two weeks for new membership applications to be approved by the Executive Committee and processed.
Apply and Pay Online
Fill out the Application and pay with PayPal, Venmo, or a credit card.
Aren't already an NRA Member? An Associate Membership is only $10/year.
2024 New & Renewing Member Application
Membership Applications are subject to Review and Acceptance by the Redwood Gun Club Executive Board.
If you have any questions about Club Membership, please contact Club Officers, or visit the range during regular open to the public hours.
Apply and Pay by Mail
Please download the New & Renewing Member Application.
Please print clearly with black or dark blue ink.
Applications are processed and distributed to the Executive Committee for approval at the end of the week. Membership cards are usually mailed within a few days of approval.
- Free use of the range when a Range Safety Officer is present. No $20 day use fee! (Except the week of September "Sight in Days".)
- Immediate family members shoot with you for free.
- One guest may shoot with you for free.
- Receive The Redwood Stumper, the Club's newsletter.
- Compete in Club matches.
- Purchase firearms, parts, and ammunition via the Civilian Marksmanship Program. (RGC is a CMP affiliated club. Other requirements apply.)
- Vote in Club elections and on other business.
- Serve as a Range Safety Officer.
- Serve in an elected or appointed position in the Club.
- Follow all firearm safety and range rules.
- Membership Dues are $50 per calendar year, Jan 1 to Dec 31. (Sorry, no prorating.) New and Lapsed memberships additionally pay a $100 initiation fee. New and Lapsed memberships received November 1 through December, will be valid for the remainder of the current year and through December of the following year.
- Be a member in good standing of the National Rifle Association. (Why?) The least expensive NRA membership is an Associate Membership at $10/year.
- Sign the Club Pledge.