Message from the Outgoing President

First, I would like to say “Thank you” to all those that supported me during my time on the Executive Board. For those that have never served on the Redwood E-board, you might not realize how much work is involved with keeping the club working and moving forward in this county. At times it is a most frustrating experience and seems like an uphill battle, but perseverance prevails and through the hard work of the volunteers on the board the club continues to grow. Please keep in mind that all of the board members as well as all the range masters are volunteers and do this out of a sense of dedication to our club.

During my time as President (as well as past Vice President and Chief Instructor) I have had one thing in mind for the club: SAFETY. With our history of being safe, with allowing the local shooting community a safe place to shoot, providing a place for law enforcement to practice, we have been an integral part of this community. With continued vigilance to being a necessary part of Humboldt County, the club should remain intact for many years to come. But in order to ensure that, we must all do our part. I ask our members to continue to support our club; if you have time, volunteer to assist on clean up days, become a range master, come out and shoot in a match, attend a meeting or two to see what we have been doing to help your club grow.

One thing I can tell you, we must all work together to keep our 2nd Amendment protected rights intact. In order to do this, we must pass down our legacy to the future generations. It is with that in mind that I have supported the 4H kids that come out and use our range. They have begun to think of Redwood as “their” range and are going to someday be the backbone of our club. But it doesn’t end there; as members we should all be bringing our children and grandchildren out to give them a sense of ownership of our range.

Finally, make sure you support the other shooting clubs in our area. Take a trip out to the trap ranges, attend a shoot up at Long Prairie, attend the Friends of the NRA dinner. As shooters, no matter what discipline we adhere to, we must all pull together to counter the anti-gun movement becoming so prevalent in our country.

Good luck to the new President and the entire Executive Board.

Thanks, Ron Pulitano
