
Match Parking

We have a lot of matches scheduled, which is excellent. We have a lot of participants, which is also excellent. We have a lot of traffic congestion inside the new safety gate, especially when a match is finishing up and the Range is otherwise open, which is bad.

Match participants may unload inside the gate but should park in the lot outside the gate. Match Directors and Range Masters should be the only ones parked inside the gate when the range opens at 10am.


Message from the Outgoing President

First, I would like to say “Thank you” to all those that supported me during my time on the Executive Board. For those that have never served on the Redwood E-board, you might not realize how much work is involved with keeping the club working and moving forward in this county. At times it is a most frustrating experience and seems like an uphill battle, but perseverance prevails and through the hard work of the volunteers on the board the club continues to grow.


From the Pres

I have appointed a range maintenance committee to review our more urgent maintenance needs. The rifle and pistol sheds both need roof maintenance and improvements to accommodate increased usage and safety concerns.

As we must consider the sensitivity and restrictions of our location, I have asked this committee to assess the club's needs, propose a maintenance plan, and as soon as the plan is approved we will start on the projects.


Welcome New Members!

Going into 2016, we have quite a few new members. Welcome to your Club!

All members, new and old, are welcome to come to our Club Meetings held on the Second Monday of Odd Months at 6pm at the First Baptist Church in Eureka, at Del Norte and E Streets. The entrance to the meeting room is off the alley. Come see what we're planning and let us know what you think.



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