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(a) Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at any special meeting called for this purpose. The officer in question shall be notified, in writing, by the executive committee no less than 15 days prior to the special meeting regarding the action planned and the rationale for the action. The officer in question shall be allowed to speak on his own behalf prior to an open discussion by the membership and the vote for removal from office.
(b) Any member may be suspended or expelled from the club for any cause deemed sufficient by the Executive Committee by a two-thirds vote. Any member who is expelled or suspended may appeal by notifying the executive committee of his intent to speak on his own behalf at the next regularly scheduled RGC business meeting and requesting a vote of the membership present at that meeting to uphold or reverse the action of the Executive Committee.
(c) Cause for suspension or expulsion of any officer or member may be identified, in writing, by any member in good standing. Such cause shall be submitted to any member of the Executive Committee and will require timely review and action by the Executive Committee.
(d) Any official or member of RGC who has been suspended or expelled by the National Rifle Association of America shall automatically stand suspended or expelled from RGC immediately upon receipt of official notice by the Secretary of RGC from the Secretary of the National Rifle Association.
(e) The National Rifle Association shall be given a complete report whenever a member of the club is suspended or expelled, showing charges and action taken.