Submitted by Alan Richmond on
The Club Meeting on January 11th began with a minor scandal when outgoing Club President Ron Pulitano, whose German is apparently a little rusty, mistranslated Tuesday Afternoon Schuetzen Verein as "Tuesday Afternoon Old Farts." The muttering quickly died out when the old farts in question decided there was more than a little truth there. Anyway, after tidying up some 2015 business we then moved on to the good stuff — the silent auction of two guns given to the Club at the NRA dinner. If you skip the meetings, you will miss out on these opportunities.
Next up were elections for the Executive Board. There was a last minute motion from the floor passed to nominate Bill Breen for Club Secretary. After votes were counted your Executive Board is as follows: Past President Jim Guedmin reprising his role as Club President, Alan Richmond for Vice President, the irreplaceable Slater Smith continuing the duties of Treasurer for a 33rd (!) year, Chris Doane on board for Executive Officer, and Andrew Buschkamp and Paul Feist continuing in their respective positions as Chief Instructor and Secretary.
Then, the the Board presented the new streamlined version of the Range Master training for returning Range Masters, which did go much faster.
Following the class, the new Board was inaugurated.
Next, Andrew had a surprise — since his Pearl Harbor Day match had been cancelled, he still had the prizes — three battle packs to be given to the three Range Masters who had served the most days the previous year! The prizes went to Craig Cowan with six and a half days, Jim Wheeler with ten days, and Stephen Foy, who logged a total of eleven days. Thanks guys, for going above and beyond!
Finally, the ceremonial range key exchange began. Something new was tried but it didn't go as quickly as hoped. We will do our best to improve the process next year.
Your new Board is excited to serve you and we welcome your input on any matter you would like to raise. Come to the Club Meetings or any of us may be contacted by phone, email, or the contact form.