Section 1 - Titles
The executive Committee shall determine the time, location, and agenda for all RGC meetings including special meetings.
The officers of RGC shall be: President; Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; Chief Instructor; and Executive Officer.
Section 2 - Qualifications
(a) All officers must be 21 years of age or older.
(b) Officers must have been members of RGC for at least one year prior to being elected.
Section 3 - Duties
(a) President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the Executive Committee. He may appoint individuals or committees for the purpose of facilitating club business as deemed necessary. He shall be an ex-officio member of any club committee and shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to his office.
(b) Vice President
The vice-president shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or at his request. He shall be responsible for overseeing the content and distribution of the RGC newsletter.
(c) Secretary
The Secretary shall conduct all official correspondence pertaining to the proper preparation and forwarding of all reports required of the club by the National Rifle Association and by the Civilian Marksmanship program. He shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the clubs regular and special meetings and have the custody of the books and papers of the club, except the Treasurer's books of account. All application for membership in the club shall be made to the Secretary. He shall be responsible for the collection of all fees and dues and shall remit the same to the Treasurer, taking his proper receipt therefor. He shall be responsible for reaffiliating the club annually with the National Rifle Association.
(d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the club and place the same in such bank or banks as may be approved by the Executive Committee. The treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all club transactions and render a detailed report at any meeting of the Executive Committee when requested and submit an annual report to the members at the annual meeting. He shall keep a current list of all members in good standing.
(e) Chief Instructor
The Chief Instructor shall have charge of all small arms instruction with authority to appoint his assistants. The Chief Instructor is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Range Master Training Seminar at the annual meeting in January and maintains responsibility for insuring Range Masters are present when the club ranges are open.
(f) Executive Officer
The Executive Officer shall have charge of the ranges of the club, the printing of scorecards, the arranging of competitions, etc.
He shall report to the Executive Committee regarding the needs for maintenance and equipment for the club ranges.
Section 4 - Elections
(a) Election of officers shall be held at the annual meeting each January.
(b) Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting.
(c) When there are more than 2 candidates consenting to serve in the same office, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes by polling members present shall be declared the winner of the election.
(d) In the event of a tie, the election shall be determined by lot.
Section 5 - Terms
Elected officers of this club shall hold office for one year (beginning and ending at the close of the annual meeting in January of each year) or until their successors are elected.